Fastpay Casino (Вашу службу поддержки не понимают)


Парниша походу думал, ну раз прогнул единожды, почему бы не попробовать попрогибать ещё, тем более смотрите а на ттр форуме вроде получилось. лол конечно. @AussieDave Why do not you first figure it out yourself to take a calculator and calculate before you engage in nonsense, and load senseless work on staff? I highly recommend you grow a little wiser in this regard ...


Ну и зря. Если вы считаете, что вы правы, то нужно было до конца отстаивать свою правоту.
Игрок же не из РФ или стран СНГ, которых можно и нах. послать, а самый настоящий иностранец (Австралия, если не ошибаюсь), таких игроков Казино боятся просто послать, с ними обращаются очень деликатно.


Чел либо дебил, либо таковым прикидывается. Походу тот самый представитель "жадных и глупых аффилейтов" из статеек на главной.


Игрок же не из РФ или стран СНГ, которых можно и нах. послать, а самый настоящий иностранец (Австралия, если не ошибаюсь), таких игроков Казино боятся просто послать, с ними обращаются очень деликатно.
Ты так думаешь? Это скорее Андрея надо спросить, или у него трафф только снг и еще парочку?


Игрок же не из РФ или стран СНГ, которых можно и нах. послать, а самый настоящий иностранец (Австралия, если не ошибаюсь), таких игроков Казино боятся просто послать, с ними обращаются очень деликатно.
Бред вообще, всем вообще насрать из какой страны игрок, все зависит от казино, если казино -кусок говна, она любого игрока пошлет. Не понимаю откуда вообще такие мифы


Бред вообще, всем вообще насрать из какой страны игрок, все зависит от казино, если казино -кусок говна, она любого игрока пошлет. Не понимаю откуда вообще такие мифы
Посмотри внимательно на что был сделан акцент в этом сообщении:
"Я думаю будет правильнее, если Вы все свои соображения по поводу жадности, совести и национальной принадлежности игрока, изложите на AGD и прочих ресурсах сами. Заодно и оцените реакцию западных аффов. Я обратил Ваше внимание на проблему, но я не Ваш игрок, и не Ваш сотрудник. Я создал тему, по просьбе игрока, так как он считает, что Вы его не понимаете. Вы считаете, что все правильно, и он прекрасно все понимает.
Я конечно не знаю Ваш опыт на западном рынке, и не мне Вас учить. Но я первый раз сталкиваюсь, когда в отношении западного игрока, Вашего клиента, используются вот такие вот формулировки."
А акцент сделан на том, что Западный игрок и Западный рынок. Иными словами, если Вы хотите занять нишу на Западном рынке нужно быть повежливее и деликатнее с Западными игроками.
А насчет того насрать из какой страны игрок, могу сказать, что, например, некоторые западные БК изначально, если регаешь аккаунт на игрока из РФ, то сразу делают лимиты на ставку меньше, чем на аккаунт Западного игрока и лояльность по отношению к игроку из РФ и игроку из Европы совершенно разная, могу позволить себе данное утверждение, т.к. проверено лично.
Про исключительно Казино (без БК) не знаю, аккаунты на иностранцев не делал.

Moonlight Cat

Для подобных вопросов есть лив чат 24/7 и почта саппорта казино.

Ну так тогда и форум может нафиг не нужен? Давайте закроем? Если все вопросы только в чат.
Игрок имеет право писать где хочет - это первое.

Второе, еще раз хочу напомнить, что при всем уважении, я у Вас в Вашем лив чате 24/7 не работаю. Если у Вас терки и проблемы с Вашим, подчеркну, игроком, ну так и стройте отношения так, чтобы у Вас этих проблем не было. Или я должен туда-сюда носится, и объяснять кому куда-писать. Это Вашего менеджмента задача. У меня как бы и своих дел хватает.

Вы этого игрока, поправьте если не прав, привлекли на индивидуальной основе. У Вас уже были с ним разногласия.
Если с ним с Вашей точки зрения все так сложно, ну прекратили бы предоставление ему услуги. И разошлись бы, довольные друг другом. Но Вы не прекратили. Вы по прежнему принимаете от него депозиты. Потому что хотите заработать. Но раз Вы хотите продолжать работать с этим игроком, ну так берите на себя и все другие составляющие вопроса. Включая и объяснение, кому и куда писать.

Moonlight Cat

Я конечно не знаю Ваш опыт на западном рынке, и не мне Вас учить. Но я первый раз сталкиваюсь, когда в отношении западного игрока, Вашего клиента, используются вот такие вот формулировки." А акцент сделан на том, что Западный игрок и Западный рынок. Иными словами, если Вы хотите занять нишу на Западном рынке нужно быть повежливее и деликатнее с Западными игроками..

Я просто объясню разницу. Если мне игрок на западном форуме напишет с просьбой помочь решить вопрос с западным казино. Я озвучу на западном форуме проблему. То западное казино, всегда скажет. Дорогой Moonlight Cat, спасибо что обратили внимание на эту проблему. Отвлеклись от своих дел, нашли время открыть вопрос, чтобы мы смогли его закрыть.

Что пишут тут. "Иди скажи ему чтобы в лив-чат писал". Вот смысл примерно такой.
На мой пост внимание обратите "если не сложно", "спасибо". Это я пишу обращаясь к fast-pay.

В их ответе кто-то слово "спасибо" видит? Я нет.


Я просто объясню разницу. Если мне игрок на западном форуме напишет с просьбой помочь решить вопрос с западным казино. Я озвучу на западном форуме проблему. То западное казино, всегда скажет. Дорогой Moonlight Cat, спасибо что обратили внимание на эту проблему. Отвлеклись от своих дел, нашли время открыть вопрос, чтобы мы смогли его закрыть.

Что пишут тут. "Иди скажи ему чтобы в лив-чат писал". Вот смысл примерно такой.
На мой пост внимание обратите "если не сложно", "спасибо". Это я пишу обращаясь к fast-pay.

В их ответе кто-то слово "спасибо" видит? Я нет.
Тут два таких казино с быдловатым общение ,пс не Андрея казинычы


Тут два таких казино с быдловатым общение ,пс не Андрея казинычы
Представитель просто пытается подстроится под атмосферу форума . Общаться в оффициальном ключе скучно , да и взаимопонимания больше


Hi Everyone,

After spending about 90mins with my Bank account manager, we've managed to isolate a discrepancy of AU$937.35 I can't be 100% sure, but it would seem, that missing money, is what I've been slogged in BTC buy/sell fees, transfer fees and other charges. Money that I've been charged so I can pay FastPay-Casino to provide account credits to my player account.

Personally, that sucks. Especially when, I'm not winning but losing at the casino. Not only am I losing my deposits, but in reality, I'm having to pay extra to lose.

Is it unfair of me to expect FastPay-Casino to share a portion (50%) of these fees? No I don't think so. Especially given, I loose a LOT more than I win.

So to recap. The total amount unacounted for on my Bank Account is: AU$937.35


According to the email I receive from FPC:

2020-01-01 to 2020-01-31 your deposit sum in AUD was 14 890 | cash-out sum was 11 250

The difference between your deposits and withdrawals in AUD was 3 640 so your 10% cashback was 364 AUD.


However, both the deposit and cash-out amounts supplied to me by FPC, are wrong.


My BTC records between 2020-01-01 to 2020-01-31, show these amounts sent to FPC and Winnings paid:

Total BTC Sent (AU): 0.77900261 (BTC value at the time fluctuated between AU$12,550 and $12,900 per coin)... Approx = AU$10,600
Total BTC Received (AU): 0.941869 (BTC value at the time fluctuated between AU$12,550 and $12,900 per coin)

Total BTC Sent (Euro): 0.084385
Total BTC Received (Euro): 0.000000 (eg - nothing)


Total Visa Deposits (AU$): AU$5,365‬.00


Total deposits (AU)... Visa/BTC = AU$15,865.00 (FPC claim AU$14,890 deposited in total)

Total withdrawals (BTC) = AU$12,800 (FPC claim AU$11,250 total withdrawals).


Email received from FPC: 020-01-01 to 2020-01-31 your deposit sum in EUR was 715.42 and your cash-out sum was 0.00.
The difference between your deposits and withdrawals in EUR was 715.42 so your 10% cashback was 71.54 EUR

These Euro transactions seem to be correct, and also the 10% cashback.


The problem is with the $AU deposits and withdrawals. As I've shown, the $AU total deposits supplied by FPC are wrong. So too are the withdrawal totals.

Surely the FPC backend Office would display the total of AU deposits, and the total of BTC withdrawals? So why are these figures not identical? More so, given these are not identical, then what of my other months of game play, are these wrong too. And, I have I not received the correct cashback for these?

Are the cancelled reload bonuses for Tuesday and Friday being deducted as cash-losses?
Are cancelled (or wager not met) race win comps/free spins, being deducted as cash-losses?
Are Saturday free spins (wagering not met), are these comps being deducted as cash-losses?

These have been deducted before (from my total cash losses) when, they should not have been.

Personally, I don't understand why, I can't deposit with Visa (all my deposits) and then be paid in BTC?

Other casinos in the past, where I've held VIP status, have gladly accommodated that request. So why not FPC?
It would certainly make things a lot simplier for both me as a player, and the casino.

And, the only reason I was deposit BTC in Euro, was because there was a problem sending BTC to AU cashouts. Is that fixed yet?

My Euro cashback was eventually credited,

Personally, that sucks. Especially when, I'm not winning but losing at the casino. Not only am I losing my deposits, but in reality, I'm having to pay extra to lose.

Is it unfair of me to expect FastPay-Casino to share a portion (50%) of these fees? No I don't think so. Especially given, I loose a LOT more than I win.

So to recap. The total amount unacounted for on my Bank Account is: AU$937.35


According to the email I receive from FPC:

2020-01-01 to 2020-01-31 your deposit sum in AUD was 14 890 | cash-out sum was 11 250

The difference between your deposits and withdrawals in AUD was 3 640 so your 10% cashback was 364 AUD.


However, both the deposit and cash-out amounts supplied to me by FPC, are wrong.


My BTC records between 2020-01-01 to 2020-01-31, show these amounts sent to FPC and Winnings paid:

Total BTC Sent (AU): 0.77900261 (BTC value at the time fluctuated between AU$12,550 and $12,900 per coin)... Approx = AU$10,600
Total BTC Received (AU): 0.941869 (BTC value at the time fluctuated between AU$12,550 and $12,900 per coin)

Total BTC Sent (Euro): 0.084385
Total BTC Received (Euro): 0.000000 (eg - nothing)


Total Visa Deposits (AU$): AU$5,365‬.00


Total deposits (AU)... Visa/BTC = AU$15,865.00 (FPC claim AU$14,890 deposited in total)

Total withdrawals (BTC) = AU$12,800 (FPC claim AU$11,250 total withdrawals).


Email received from FPC: 020-01-01 to 2020-01-31 your deposit sum in EUR was 715.42 and your cash-out sum was 0.00.
The difference between your deposits and withdrawals in EUR was 715.42 so your 10% cashback was 71.54 EUR

These Euro transactions seem to be correct, and also the 10% cashback.


The problem is with the $AU deposits and withdrawals. As I've shown, the $AU total deposits supplied by FPC are wrong. So too are the withdrawal totals.

Surely the FPC backend Office would display the total of AU deposits, and the total of BTC withdrawals? So why are these figures not identical? More so, given these are not identical, then what of my other months of game play, are these wrong too. And, I have I not received the correct cashback for these?

Are the cancelled reload bonuses for Tuesday and Friday being deducted as cash-losses?
Are cancelled (or wager not met) race win comps/free spins, being deducted as cash-losses?
Are Saturday free spins (wagering not met), are these comps being deducted as cash-losses?

These have been deducted before (from my total cash losses) when, they should not have been.

Personally, I don't understand why, I can't deposit with Visa (all my deposits) and then be paid in BTC?

Other casinos in the past, where I've held VIP status, have gladly accommodated that request. So why not FPC?
It would certainly make things a lot simplier for both me as a player, and the casino.

And, the only reason I was deposit BTC in Euro, was because there was a problem sending BTC to AU cashouts. Is that fixed yet?

My Euro cashback was eventually credited... BUT if I didn't bring it to Vlad's attention, would I have received it? Rather odd really, because it was Vlad who recommended I deposit in Euro, given there was an $AU BTC cashout error.

Anyway, to close this out, and finalise this thread, I'm out of pocket AU$937.35 at my bank, most likely due to BTC fees and what not, relating to depositing at FPC.

January 2020 was a good month for me. Usually though, I'm down thousands upon thousands. Agree that's gambling - it's always a risk. Though, FPC do very well from me as a VIP player... just sayin ;)

Thanks to Moonlight Cat, TTR and even, yes Vlad... for participating in the thread.

Also, thanks to other members for offering their opinions.


Последнее редактирование:


Hi Everyone,

After spending about 90mins with my Bank account manager, we've managed to isolate a discrepancy of AU$937.35 I can't be 100% sure, but it would seem, that missing money, is what I've been slogged in BTC buy/sell fees, transfer fees and other charges. Money that I've been charged so I can pay FastPay-Casino to provide account credits to my player account.

Personally, that sucks. Especially when, I'm not winning but losing at the casino. Not only am I losing my deposits, but in reality, I'm having to pay extra to lose.

Is it unfair of me to expect FastPay-Casino to share a portion (50%) of these fees? No I don't think so. Especially given, I loose a LOT more than I win.

So to recap. The total amount unacounted for on my Bank Account is: AU$937.35


According to the email I receive from FPC:

2020-01-01 to 2020-01-31 your deposit sum in AUD was 14 890 | cash-out sum was 11 250

The difference between your deposits and withdrawals in AUD was 3 640 so your 10% cashback was 364 AUD.


However, both the deposit and cash-out amounts supplied to me by FPC, are wrong.


My BTC records between 2020-01-01 to 2020-01-31, show these amounts sent to FPC and Winnings paid:

Total BTC Sent (AU): 0.77900261 (BTC value at the time fluctuated between AU$12,550 and $12,900 per coin)... Approx = AU$10,600
Total BTC Received (AU): 0.941869 (BTC value at the time fluctuated between AU$12,550 and $12,900 per coin)

Total BTC Sent (Euro): 0.084385
Total BTC Received (Euro): 0.000000 (eg - nothing)


Total Visa Deposits (AU$): AU$5,365‬.00


Total deposits (AU)... Visa/BTC = AU$15,865.00 (FPC claim AU$14,890 deposited in total)

Total withdrawals (BTC) = AU$12,800 (FPC claim AU$11,250 total withdrawals).


Email received from FPC: 020-01-01 to 2020-01-31 your deposit sum in EUR was 715.42 and your cash-out sum was 0.00.
The difference between your deposits and withdrawals in EUR was 715.42 so your 10% cashback was 71.54 EUR

These Euro transactions seem to be correct, and also the 10% cashback.


The problem is with the $AU deposits and withdrawals. As I've shown, the $AU total deposits supplied by FPC are wrong. So too are the withdrawal totals.

Surely the FPC backend Office would display the total of AU deposits, and the total of BTC withdrawals? So why are these figures not identical? More so, given these are not identical, then what of my other months of game play, are these wrong too. And, I have I not received the correct cashback for these?

Are the cancelled reload bonuses for Tuesday and Friday being deducted as cash-losses?
Are cancelled (or wager not met) race win comps/free spins, being deducted as cash-losses?
Are Saturday free spins (wagering not met), are these comps being deducted as cash-losses?

These have been deducted before (from my total cash losses) when, they should not have been.

Personally, I don't understand why, I can't deposit with Visa (all my deposits) and then be paid in BTC?

Other casinos in the past, where I've held VIP status, have gladly accommodated that request. So why not FPC?
It would certainly make things a lot simplier for both me as a player, and the casino.

And, the only reason I was deposit BTC in Euro, was because there was a problem sending BTC to AU cashouts. Is that fixed yet?

My Euro cashback was eventually credited,

Personally, that sucks. Especially when, I'm not winning but losing at the casino. Not only am I losing my deposits, but in reality, I'm having to pay extra to lose.

Is it unfair of me to expect FastPay-Casino to share a portion (50%) of these fees? No I don't think so. Especially given, I loose a LOT more than I win.

So to recap. The total amount unacounted for on my Bank Account is: AU$937.35


According to the email I receive from FPC:

2020-01-01 to 2020-01-31 your deposit sum in AUD was 14 890 | cash-out sum was 11 250

The difference between your deposits and withdrawals in AUD was 3 640 so your 10% cashback was 364 AUD.


However, both the deposit and cash-out amounts supplied to me by FPC, are wrong.


My BTC records between 2020-01-01 to 2020-01-31, show these amounts sent to FPC and Winnings paid:

Total BTC Sent (AU): 0.77900261 (BTC value at the time fluctuated between AU$12,550 and $12,900 per coin)... Approx = AU$10,600
Total BTC Received (AU): 0.941869 (BTC value at the time fluctuated between AU$12,550 and $12,900 per coin)

Total BTC Sent (Euro): 0.084385
Total BTC Received (Euro): 0.000000 (eg - nothing)


Total Visa Deposits (AU$): AU$5,365‬.00


Total deposits (AU)... Visa/BTC = AU$15,865.00 (FPC claim AU$14,890 deposited in total)

Total withdrawals (BTC) = AU$12,800 (FPC claim AU$11,250 total withdrawals).


Email received from FPC: 020-01-01 to 2020-01-31 your deposit sum in EUR was 715.42 and your cash-out sum was 0.00.
The difference between your deposits and withdrawals in EUR was 715.42 so your 10% cashback was 71.54 EUR

These Euro transactions seem to be correct, and also the 10% cashback.


The problem is with the $AU deposits and withdrawals. As I've shown, the $AU total deposits supplied by FPC are wrong. So too are the withdrawal totals.

Surely the FPC backend Office would display the total of AU deposits, and the total of BTC withdrawals? So why are these figures not identical? More so, given these are not identical, then what of my other months of game play, are these wrong too. And, I have I not received the correct cashback for these?

Are the cancelled reload bonuses for Tuesday and Friday being deducted as cash-losses?
Are cancelled (or wager not met) race win comps/free spins, being deducted as cash-losses?
Are Saturday free spins (wagering not met), are these comps being deducted as cash-losses?

These have been deducted before (from my total cash losses) when, they should not have been.

Personally, I don't understand why, I can't deposit with Visa (all my deposits) and then be paid in BTC?

Other casinos in the past, where I've held VIP status, have gladly accommodated that request. So why not FPC?
It would certainly make things a lot simplier for both me as a player, and the casino.

And, the only reason I was deposit BTC in Euro, was because there was a problem sending BTC to AU cashouts. Is that fixed yet?

My Euro cashback was eventually credited... BUT if I didn't bring it to Vlad's attention, would I have received it? Rather odd really, because it was Vlad who recommended I deposit in Euro, given there was an $AU BTC cashout error.

Anyway, to close this out, and finalise this thread, I'm out of pocket AU$937.35 at my bank, most likely due to BTC fees and what not, relating to depositing at FPC.

January 2020 was a good month for me. Usually though, I'm down thousands upon thousands. Agree that's gambling - it's always a risk. Though, FPC do very well from me as a VIP player... just sayin ;)

Thanks to Moonlight Cat, TTR and even, yes Vlad... for participating in the thread.

Also, thanks to other members for offering their opinions.



Я блин не поленился и перевёл всё и прочитал. КОму лень читать, вкратце. Чело топит за то что у него кароч комиссии были при депах и переводах там с битка в ауд и так далее, ич ел топит чтобы эту комиссию хотя бы половину вернул фаст. сумма о которой он просит порядка 450 ауд.
Это для всех кому лень читать и вникать. А лично тебе @AussieDave Dude. Come on down. You won’t get any more from fast. This is 99.99%. You are very funny. All commissions pay. When I drop from a skrila and then from a skril I throw it on my visa, I pay a horse commission of 8%. But I never had the thought of asking for a return commission from the casino. Find that payment that does not take a commission and that's all. What is the problem?


I never had the thought of asking for a return commission from the casino.

When I used to play at a Land Based casino (who have far higher overheads/operational costs), as a VIP, I'd receive free-valet parking, meals (their best restaurants), complimentary drinks, even comped hotel rooms. That's aside from comp-chips, and other freebies too.

Aside from FastPay, and Video Slots, every other casino I've held VIP status with (since 1997), they've willingly compensated me transaction fees, which were $AU to $US currency conversion fees, charged to my Visa on deposits.

When one drops nice-coin each month, there's no reason why you shouldn't get it, or least some % in restitution.

For the record, I don't play with deposit bonuses, ever. And, most of the race wins, or Sat free spins, I never meet wagering. So really, what do I actually receive in comps from FPC, not much. Especially compared to what I've received from other casinos in the past.

Aside from that, and reiterating my previous comments in this thread...

FastPay does pay out winning quickly to BTC. I enjoy PFC because least they offer a decent set of slots to AU players.

Whether FPC decided to do it, is their choice.
But, given it's not an uncommon practice to give it to VIP's (online or land based), then who knows.

And, as far as finding a less fee based exchange, that's not possible. Only a small number offer BTC to AU, even less with an ATM card to withdrawal to.


Ну а почему бы и нет...логику буржуя тоже можно понять...она вполне укладывается в их буржуинский менталитет, который очень отличается от нашего совкового из серии " а мог и по ебалу получить"))))

Moonlight Cat

Ну человек пишет, что кроме Videoslots и Fastpay, все другие казино, где он имел вип статус, компенсировали транзакционные fee.


Ну человек пишет, что кроме Videoslots и Fastpay, все другие казино, где он имел вип статус, компенсировали транзакционные fee.
Блин если я приехал на Филиппины и мне сосали за доллар, это не означает что ровно тоже я должен требовать в Дубае...


Блин если я приехал на Филиппины и мне сосали за доллар, это не означает что ровно тоже я должен требовать в Дубае...
Нее тут другая аналогия...на Филлипинах сосали за доллар и яйца гладили...вот он и хочет, чтоб когда отсосут в дубаях за 100 баксов яйца тоже не забыли:redlol:


Нее тут другая аналогия...на Филлипинах сосали за доллар и яйца гладили...вот он и хочет, чтоб когда отсосут в дубаях за 100 баксов яйца тоже не забыли:redlol:
Ну самое гланвое суть уловил )